5 Ways that Music Lessons can Benefit Children
We all know that playing a musical instrument is a skill, and something we'd like our children to be able to do. But why should children learn a musical instrument? What are the benefits? How can you get your child learning a musical instrument? Here's 5 ways that learning a musical instrument would benefit your child...

1) Raises self-esteem and confidence
Every song mastered raises a child’s self-esteem as well as teaching a child patience and how to keep a positive outlook when faced with a difficult task. Students learn to accept constructive criticism and turn it into positive change without tantrums or frustration.
2) Helps children learn to concentrate
Reading a piece of music takes a lot of focus and concentration is essential for success. Reading and playing music helps children to think both critically and creatively, valuable skills to help just about anything they choose to do in the future.
3) Helps in school
Playing a musical instrument helps concentration levels, introduces focus and dedication towards a task, and many little musicians find themselves better at maths, especially with ratios, fractions and graph reading. This is because children who have music lessons develop their spatial-temporal reasoning, which is the brain function used to understand maths, science and engineering. It also develops memory skills as students have to call on their short-term, and later, long-term, memory skills which will become important in school.
4) Develops coordination
Any instrument requires children to develop their coordination and motor skills, needing movement of particularly the fingers, but also the hands, arms and even feet. Developing coordination along with perfect timing can prepare children for other hobbies such as dance and sports.
5) Develops social skills
Whether it's an individual lesson or a group lesson, learning a musical instrument will cultivate a child's social skills. Children interact with the teacher and through musical dynamics such as crescendo, a child learns how to control volume. When working as part of a group, children learn through music how they need to let others be heard too, and cooperate with others to master the timing of a piece of music. Also, playing as part of a group acts as an analogy for broader life, whereby children learn how their part of the group contributes to the overall sound/performance.
Nowadays, music lessons are widely available, and for a huge range of instruments too. If you live in/around the Redditch area and would like to find out more about enrolling your child into music lessons, give Redditch Music School a call on 01527 546626, or drop us an email at redditchmusicschool@gmail.com